Emotionland is a special project for tweens
(8-12 years) and early teens (13-15 years) that is created to help them understand and manage their emotions, develop soft skills and self-regulation.
EMOTION = Energy in Motion
All THREE parts are equally important and need development so we lead a fulfilling life.
I bet you have no doubts we need to have enough physical activity, develop logic and cognitive skills. But how about the feelings? The life is NOT  about 'either mind or feelings'. Life is about BOTH and more - mind, feelings, body... The combination three makes it possible to experience and savour life.

We are human BEINGS, not human doings.

And what we FEEL is a BIG DEAL!
Understanding and navigating your emotions is a key for emotional development and essential for maintaining good relationships, effective learning and good mental health.

Children and adults who don't learn to process and manage feelings well can get 'stuck' emotionally and may find it hard to deal with everyday challenges.

Good news! Emotional literacy is a set of skills that can be developed and for sure will be important every day in life. It's not a gift or talent.

emotional literacy
self-regulation skills
healthy self-esteem
SOFT skills
Main challenges
  • Emotional literacy
    Knowing doesn't mean practicing. We all know what it's like to feel an emotion. Everyone in the world has feelings all the time but not everybody notices them. Quite often we try to supress and ignore them and we don't develop the skill to express them in helpful ways (and appropriately to situation).
  • Mixed feelings
    Children often face challenging and even conflicting feelings - just as adults do. And - just as they can be for adults - these feelings can be confusing and difficult to handle. And support is very much needed both to kids and parents.
  • tWeen age
    Not as loud as 'terrible two' or rebellious as 'teen age' and that's why considered to be not very demanding in terms of parents' attention, unfortunately. This 5-year period is full of physical changes and emotional challenges that a lot of kids don't know how to talk about.
  • TEEN age
    They are preoccupied with themselves as they are developing a sense of self, but they are also scrutinizing their own thought processes and personalities. They also believe that their thoughts and feelings are unique, doubting that others could possibly understand what they are experiencing.

Although the language of emotions is universal there is NO one-size-fits-all program that works for everyone to learn and develop it.

That's why I offer a range of tailored programs created for your age, challenges, desires, etc.
  • For individuals
  • For kids groups
  • For schools
  • For parents
  • individual workhops

    • live and online meetings
    • special program for kids with ADHD

    50 min
    90 CAD kids
    130 CAD adults
  • group

    • emotional literacy club for tweens and teens
    • problem-solving workshops
    • discussion club for teens
    • girls'only club
    • boys' only club
    1.15  hours
    25 CAD per meeting
  • programs for schools

    • monthly "Emotional Health Hour" sessions for different grade levels
    • "emotional literacy program" tailored for specific classes (3 months)
    • discussion clubs for tweens and teens (weekly, byweekly)
    • workshops for teachers on professional activity (PA) days

    prices vary according to the type of program and number of particpants

  • program for parents

    • group support workshops for parents (offline and online)
    • private support consultations (offline and online)

    group workshops - 1 hour, 40 CAD
    private consultations - 1 hour, 130 CAD
ADHD and 'explosiveness'
ARE YOU SURE you truly understand what ADHD is?
How about ‘explosiveness’ and ‘hyper sensitivity?’

The NARRATIVE - what kids say to themselves about ADHD - is CRUCIAL/ESSENTIAL to create emotional literacy, navigate their awesome brain and develop the skills to manage their energy and focus.

Sadly, most of the kids, when we start to work, either DON’T KNOW what ADHD means or LABEL themselves as a ‘problem’, a sick person’, having illness’ or ‘having some kind of deviation’ (which is heart-breaking).

ADHD is a condition that won’t dissapear. And it has some superpowers.

Our task is to learn how to manage this incredible energy and develop healthy attitude towards yourself.

MY GOAL is to change the narrative to help kids feel EMPOWERED, KNOWLEDGEBLE , be EXPERTS of themselves and EQUIP them (and parents) with REAL TOOLS to help kids strive.

PROGRAM STARTS on 14 th of May (6-week program)
when: Tuesdays 6 - 7.15 pm
where: Swansea Townhall (95 Lavinia Ave)
cost: 150 CAD (6 meetings


group for girls 8-11 years old who are learning to build healthy relationships with themselves and others, struggling with friendship challenges and big (not always loud) emotions

You know, there are enough things in girls' lives to WORRY ABOUT:
Friendship TROUBLES… Mean girls…. School life…. Self-doubt….. Comparison...
Popular girls…… BIG emotions…….. School projects’ deadlines…… Expectations .....

·       We TALK, DRAW, CREATE and DANCE about them all

·       We DEVELOP soft skills

· We WORK OUT strategies to solve problems and APPLY them in role-plays and case studies

·       We find TRUE FRIENDS here

·       We BUILD HEALTHY self-esteem and GROW confidence

And CELEBRATE who we are!

what parents, kids and teachers say
  • It's a wonderful opportunity for my daughter to explore pre-teen emotions. She was encouraged to explain emotions with images,shapes and colors. This created a unique opportunity to express her feeling in an environment with a great instructor. Great for her self confidence and lesson she will be able to apply as she matures. Thank you Katya.
    Teodora M
    mom of Nicole (7)
  • This project sounds amazing! It is definitely something that is needed amidst the craziness of our world today!
    It should definitely grown into a great program that will be welcomed by the community and beyond.
    Andrew C
    Creativity Encourager (and a father of 2 tWeens)
  • I love being in Emotionland. The topics we discuss are very interesting. I also love the feeling that I am with my friends and I live the location for our workshops itself. We could lie on the floor, move, draw, even sit under the table if we need to. It is fun!
    Jacob (8)
  • I like our meetings so much because there are no right or wrong answers! They are just OUR answers. I also like the music that’s playing at the background and how you talk to us, the tone of your voice. I like that we can draw how we feel without strict instructions. I want to come more often!

    Zoia (8)
  • Yasha finds it quite difficult to share his emotions and put them into words, but after each meeting with Kate, he proudly told me that he experienced sadness and then felt joy inside himself. This is truly wonderful and important. I am very happy that I found Kate and her emotional land for our Yasha.

    Moreover, Yasha brings home a beautiful orange folder after each meeting, containing everything they did carefully and lovingly + recommendations for parents on what else can be done and what to talk about. It's delightful!
    Lana M
    Yasha's (8)  mom
  • “The tween years deserve some attention. There are so many challenges and tough relationships to navigate. Kate has devoted herself to being a protector of the emotional wellbeing of these complicated young people.”
    Lisa W.
    Public School teacher (25 years of working with kids)
  • I worked with Kate in life coaching within 3 month program. It was soft but lead to very tangible results.

    Now I choose individual classes of Emotionland program for my daughter to share with her by experience of external support.

    I want to my daughter to see how impostant it is to be familiar with your feelings and talk about them with an trustworthy adult. Not a oerent, or a friend.

    Even after one month working with Kate my daughter has become more attentive to state. She may recognise when she is tired or hungry. There were not common things for her before

    I see how her personal space is growing and she is starting to navigate it and manage her feelings.

    Anna D
    Sonya's mom
  • This project gives kids opportunity to explote their emotional world and understand how important it is to be in contact with your feelings.
    The skill of managing emotions ia a solid inner foundation that people rely on. It means staying connected with your essence and living your life using full potential.
    What is also important Kate's project supports and guide adults too. Navigating emotional world of your children and your own is a challenging journey so you need to have a guide who is sincerely interested in your and your kids development. Kate is undoubtly the right person for that.
    Julia Sh
    Gestalt therapist, specialist in children-parent relationships (and a mom of 2 teenagers)
Be at peace with yourself, not in pieces.
You have already done what you must/should/have to do but you are not sure what you want and how you really feel
You don't remember when you were truly relaxed and satisfied with your life while you are always busy and in a hurry, you can't slow down
You are a 'good girl' or a 'good boy' but it didn't bring you happiness. You feel dissapointed and tense more often than you would like
You are waiting for the 'right moment' or 'inspiration' to make changes in your life, but there is something more important comes up
You have 'imposter syndrome' in your own life as you feel you are never good enough and not sure why you love being yourself
You criticise yourself for being lazy or demotivated and you demand perfection from yourself (all or nothing)
How does it work?
We all know when something is missing. Quite often it feelts like emptiness or hustle, anxiety or procrastination. The thing is - YOU are missing. YOUR needs, desires, goal and dreams are ON HOLD. There is lack of energy, lack of meaning and lack of feeling that it's actually YOUR life.

We all know when we are ready to make a change. And still self-sabotage and resistance can be stronger than our desire to evolve. If it's a time of personal crisis, career shift or any other big change it's the time to get support and not be alone.

Coaching journey with me is about getting clarity of where you are right now, where you want to get, and consistent steps towards your destination.


afternoon retreat

Just pause and admit: we get tired, stressed and overwhelmed, we feel lonely sometimes and we NEED our quality ME TIME for our own sake and the sake of our loved ones.
Don’t you agree?

Here is the plan:

  • Cozy space where you are seen and heard
  • Women just like YOU who care and want to feel more relaxed and energised
  • Relaxing and mindfulness practices
  • Gentle guidance by a life coach and a mom of two

WHEN: SATURDAY 2 – 4:30 p.m.


WHERE: Swansea Townhall (95 Lavinia Ave)


My name is Kate and I’m the creator of EMOTIONLAND project.
I am also:

  • a Life Coach for adults (500+ hours of practice)
  • an Emotional Guide for teens and tweens
  • a former school teacher and organizer of after-school activities
  • a mom of two - daughter (who is in her tween age) and son

  • a highly sensitive person. I’ve always been like this just nobody knew this term in my childhood. And I clearly remember my confusion about feelings and emotions when I was a child. Now I also see how many adults are confused about feelings and don't sense and feel life, they do and function without any satisfaction.

I look up to and learn from Gordon Neufeld, Brene Brown, Dr Nicole LePera, Dr Amanda Hanson, Dr Siggie, Dr Becky Kennedy, Mel Robbins, Gabor Mate.

Type of program/event


+1 4165502509

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